









1. Field of Study

My speciality is in modern European intellectual history (history of social thought), especially David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and other Enlightenment thinkers. Hume was one of the closest friends of Adam Smith, the founder of modern economics. Hume not only wrote some crucial economic essays, but is also known as an influential philosopher and the author of History of England. Jean-Jacques Rousseau is famous (or notorious) for his fierce criticisms of modern civilization and inequality in private property. Neither philosopher can squarely fall into any particular discipline of highly compartmentalized social sciences.

Similarly, our seminar addresses the relationship between economics and other disciplines, such as philosophy, ethics, law and politics. In a sense, the theme of this seminar is philosophy in its broader sense—more specifically, political philosophy and economic thought. Our subject matter is not limited to the past centuries; it deals with various contemporary philosophical positions—utilitarianism, liberalism, libertarianism, or communitarianism. You might have a rough image of the topics dealt with in this seminar if you read Michael Sandel, Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? (Penguin: 2010; Japanese translation is also available).

Through the activities in this seminar, you will learn that economics is inseparable from other branches of social sciences. You are also expected to understand seemingly purely theoretical topics in economics are often related to the issue of how we are to live in modern capitalist society.

In our regular seminar, we read and discuss on some classical or contemporary books related to socio-philosophical issues. These classics range from the 18th century (e.g., Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Origin of Inequality) to recent books (Peter Singer, How Are We to Live?). A term paper must be submitted (written in English is acceptable).

Discussions in this seminar are conducted basically in Japanese (but I will help you to express yourself when arguments become complex). This requires a basic competency to understand everyday conversation in Japanese.

2. Expectation for students

You are expected to attend this seminar regularly and punctually, and to actively participate discussions. If you fail to submit a term paper by the deadline, it would affect your grading significantly.